Thursday, February 13, 2003

Ok today I was thinking how I have a high tolerance for the cold. Often times when others feel it is really cold I am standing around in a t shirt saying its so hot. But here in Ithaca my tolerance is gone. It is so ridiculously cold out here you have no idea. My nose hairs freeze, I curse as I walk around and the wind attempts to blow me into a snow pile. So not cool. And I find it very disappointing that I am so damn cold. (shakes fist at Jack Frost)

Also, as I got onto the elevator I was thinking how awkward it is when you are with one other person who you dont the elevator of course. And you could say well it only lasts for about a minute until you get to your floor, but still...I feel the need to address the uncomfortableness but instead I lean against the wall and pretend to be in deep thought or fuss with my jacket, anything to not think about the other person there. But if we just opened up, do you know how many elevator friends you could make?! So then I got onto the second elevator - because I was avoiding being outside - and we stop on one of the floor...low and behold, Dana walks in...and so does this other chick. So Dana and I exchange witty banter and then we all start to complain how the elevator stops of floors and no one is there and how it wastes a good 3 seconds of time. This girl is proof that elevator friends really can happen.

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