Thursday, November 10, 2005

Just a general PS:

I have been going over some of my old posts and I have to say that I am pretty damn funny. To some people this may seem like I'm tooting my own horn and you would be right. I am awesome. I am aware of this. Let's not deny it. That will get us no where.
I mean after all, here you are reading what I have to say. Suck on that for awhile before you judge because you should know when you point the finger of blame at someone there are three fingers pointed right at you.

oh man, so deep...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tHe BEauTy iS tHat U NeVEr rEaLIzeD HoW FuNny U WeRE BacK TheN..nOW THe PrESsuRe tO PeRForM wiLL bE oN AlL tHe tImE..

cAN U HanDLe thE BUrdeN aND IMMenSe ReSPonSIBiLItY?