Thursday, January 28, 2010

Last night as I was getting ready to sleep I heard the chirping of a cricket in the room. Immediately I thought, "Well, that's not gonna fly." So I went on the hunt to find where he was hiding. I located the target and terminated it. It was a necessary evil. I mean, really dude, you have the ENTIRE outdoors to live in. Don't break into my apartment and start making noise at midnight. That's just not cool.

Other crickets with internet access who can read beware!

You get greedy and you'll pay the price.


Anonymous said...

Could you not have captured said cricket and released him into the SoCal night?

Somewhere, some cricket family is waiting for a loved chirper to come home alas never to be heard from again...

Jiminey Crickets...

Anonymous said...

Terminating tip; Liquid Gold Furniture Polish will work on those night owls too!!! Trust me, I know.