Thursday, January 17, 2002

Oregon Trail is SUCH a good game. Not the new versions those are too complex. The orginial kicks arse. You watch your journey through a little box. See the oxen take you across the U.S. I recommend being a Doctor when you start out. You get a decent amount of money and the satisfaction of helping the sick.
Hunting is always the best. Once I shot a bird and it landed in a stream with an amusing splash. I always feel guilty shooting the deer until I have like no food at all, then I shoot them like it's my job. If a buffalo or bear wonders over I only shoot one, since you can only take about 200lbs back, and most of it would go bad if you gots too much. The squirrels are fun. I wind up wasting 30 bullets on one before I give up. Stupid squirrels...only one pound of meat. How can one survive on that?!
Might I also say that the sounds are great. There's the bad noise: Bam-bah-dah, which occurs when someone is sick, you get lost, there's bad water, you're carriage catches fire, you lose food, a thief steal stuff, etc. But there is also a good noise: Do-do-dah-do, this one is heard mostly when you find fruit or someone is better. Come to think of it, you get GYPT on the good sounds.
Oh and it's always the best when someone dies cuz they play that sad southern-like music and you can write crazy tings on the headstone.

Shout out to Jessica DeMarie, she likes to kick it oldschool whenever possible. In her honor I will say the following: Right now I am eating an Oreo and I think my dog just farted...

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