Wednesday, May 08, 2002

As many of you know, I am a closet fan of rap and I totally love the new Eminem song "Without me." It so great, yo!

Anyway, today I hung out with Liz and Merry at Port Jeff. Now an interesting/extremely creepy thing happened to us on the drive there. Liz was sitting in the back and this guy pulled up about 40yrs old and was looking at her so she waved being all nice, thinking he was a nice dad and would casually wave back. Only she was wrong, DEAD wrong. He in return did a sly smile-nod as if he was trying to pick her up. She got freaked and told us, we looked at him and he was still smiling so we basically laughed at him. And as we pulled up to the light he decides that even though he has plenty of room ahead of him in his lane, he is going to stay next to us. He stayed a bit too long and we all got skeeved out. He had this crazy look in his eye like he wanted to F us; but I mean who doesnt?! We are some fine ladies.

In addition to this we also had some Crack flavored ice-cream, or at least imagined that we did. Then we shared some food...not a shower!! I just wanted to clear that up. Thank you.

Naturally the song O the day is: Eminem-Without Me also Foo Fighters - Aurora

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