Tuesday, July 09, 2002

Day Four:

I woke up before Liz and Merry had a chance to stare at me. Ah, the tables have turned.

Knotts Berry: many "your mom" lines from Merry, Aunt Donna losing mental faith in us thus we got off Ghostrider but not before we saw 18+infinity ghosts. Then we became sluts for our old time picture...I mean we went for the "risque" setting. Liz accomplishes second mission; to get free cookies. I sneeze for attention, The Plunge bailed on us but not before making the What Am I Doing? game; some of the highlights: You're checking the nutritional labels of things..that was my guess at liz putting away books. THere was also the Underwear checker, the wild monkey that chased us, eating chocoleet pudding shakes

Back at the Hiz-ous: Liz tells me to "shut up," then proceeds to call me "insane"

New Q Word: Qwalking

Then I: forced Liz to look at evil and stole some cookies while Aunt Donna was sweepies.

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