Monday, October 28, 2002

Once again Dave Letterman proves his Late Night Show is a quality program...for all ages! Allow me to explain why. No, please let me explain. Ok, now you are just being rude and interupting. Freaking jerk.

Best way to win my heart involves monkeys. (take a note boys) So anyways, Letterman has the recent survivor loser on and has his assistant ask him a question. So she asks, "Did you see or touch any monkeys?" An AMAZING question. Good Ol' Monkeys. They NEVER fail. Except when they die...

Daily Shout Out
To: Ms. Marie...Unkie George lost his reign.
Why?: Cuz she sent me packages like it was nobody's biz. Cookies AND a History of SNL. Uh...Yeah, she rules. She needs to look forward to a complimentary phone call and a surprise in the mail on it's way. Oh snap!

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