Sunday, November 10, 2002

Last night after seeing Punch Drunk Love, Kate, Jessica, Jeremy and I sat around in our dorm hallway. No one really want to go to sleep yet and no one really wanted to watch another movie or just sit and watch tv. So then I got this idea what we should lay down in the hall and block people from getting past. So I convinced people to actually do it. We laid all together and hid our faces as we laughed histerically at people's reactions.

Some highlighted reactions include:

This is bullshit!
Why are you pretending to be asleep?

And of course the best reactions came from people trying to solve our riddle. You see, after awhile of doing this we figured it would be funny if we had a riddle to go along with it. So we picked: If a peach comes from an apple, then where are all the bears today?

The best thing was people trying to really make sense of it, because I just made it up. Jeremy provided the answer of Kosher Dill Pickle. It was great. People really wanted to figure it out and we used the Hot or Cold hint method and then moved on to grunts. I want to try to get a whole bunch of people to do this somewhere like a supermarket. How great would that be?!

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