Monday, January 06, 2003

After watching Fightclub I was thinking I would ask some of my friends the following, "What would you do if I slapped you in the face?" I asked this thinking if the answer was, "I'd slap you back," I would accept that consequence with a shrug and proceed to slap the crap outta their cheek. However, no one said they would slap back. Sudie was indifferent and Liz said she'd get boogers all over my hand cuz she has a cold. DRAT!

Later that night as I got out of Dave's car Sudie and me got into an all out fight. It was amazing. Liz and Dave sat in the car and watched as we struggled to knock each other to the ground into the snow. He got my hands a bunch of times but I got myself out of it until he wrapped my arms around myself and I hooked my foot behind his, locking his leg and falling back. Needless to say he broke my fall. I lost my hairband but it was worth it.

Oh yeah and the city rules! We went into the St.Patrick Cathedral and as we were walking around in total awe of the architecture there was this homeless man asleep in the pews (sp?). Sudie said, "picture."

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