Wednesday, August 21, 2002

I just love my family

Each day I have been spending WAY too much time in my car. I keep driving back and forth from my house and community of Lake Grove and then going about 25 mins out to the Beach House in Bathing Hollow. Its totally worth the drive. And as I just wrote that I realize the i guess its called symbolism in having to drive back and forth. At one end are my friends and the other is my family.

When I first drove out to the beach I was all stressed bc I knew I'd have to be driving back and forth like a mad man to see all my friends for "last" hangouts. And my dad said: Welcome to the real world. He was best friends with these guys in college and high school and used to hang out with them everyday. Now they are lucky to hang out once a month. Those are the things he tells me. And at one end it makes me sad, but then it makes me really happy. Cuz I know I'll be doing the same thing too. I'll be hanging out with these people for the rest of my life. Even if it is only once a month.

There was something I wanted to write about and then I fordot it. Don't you hate that?! I hate that. You know what else I hate. Math. and scary monsters. Monsters that do Math would probably me the scariest thing in the world for me to see. I'd prob pass out upon seeing it. I hope the monster won't eat me.

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