Monday, August 19, 2002

So the first annual Get To Know Your Boss Better Day was a total disaster. Appearently our boss "was confused" and in a fit or rage he ripped down all of our signs and threatened to fire ppl. Hopefully next year will be better.

Quote of the week:
If I was rich, I'd buy a crappy car to hit stupid people.
-Katie Woz

She got kinda mad when people were cutting the line to exit jones beach. But even if she wasnt angry I bet she'd say the same thing. Hey, I would do it too. I cant stand stupid people. They should be tossed off the end of the earth, along with ppl who walk slow.

As we were coming home from the concert which was really great, a Pathmark truck cut us off and liz said: I'm never going there again.
So I want all of you to boycott Pathmark bc their truck drivers are crazy mo-fos.

Lack of updates is due to beach house fun. The first night was great I spent some quality time with the fam. Played King of the Raft which I totally won everytime cuz it was against my brother who is skinny and his friend franky who is short. But once I play with someone bigger than me...I think I'll lose my reign.
Oh and Frankie threw up. Then before I was about to shower he very seriously comes up to me and says: Oh, Colleen..uh, there is still some vomit on the bowl. "on the bowl" what a great line. He projected that stuff, had a splatter pattern on the wall. And he also told me that after he threw up there was a piece of chicken from dinner still on the bowl. Naturally, I was JEALOUS!

In addition: My mom is a selfish DirtBag and will admit to this too. She's proud of it. Freaking dirtbag.

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