Wednesday, August 21, 2002

Today was the goodbye. Many of you know of Liz Rivalsi, she's won many Phrase's o the Week and said/done funny things. Well today she left for the college. Three hugs and a bunch of tears. An "I'll miss you." Followed up by, "I love you." I really do love her. It was hard to drive home when tears keep falling. I gave her three hugs because after each one it didnt feel like it was enough. How do you say goodbye to 5 years of spending like everyday together. It's not the end of the world, I'll see her in a month. But it still makes me sad. JEALOUS?!

Today I sat in Burger King all alone in a room of empty chairs.
I didn't feel alone.

Backround Info on what you JUST read: Yeah i SO wrote that on a napkin.

Today was some serious beach house fun. Adventures at the creek, climbing big rocks, watching fish freak out in the water. They kept leaping out of the water like it was their job. And after awhile I thought they were doing it as some kinda social thing, or to just mess with my head. The succeeded. Oh and sunsets are bridy.

Yeah i said bridy.
it's advanced votabulary.

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