Thursday, December 19, 2002

Oh so who saw Lord of the Rings? Yeah me! Wow, that was so great. It was also long. I liked it better than the first one, but probably because the first time I saw it I was wicked tired and thought there would be some concrete ending. I wasn't informed there would be 2 others. But that was then, I actually am motivated to read the books now. Crazy huh? And I must say the Elf...oh he's the man.

Also -

During this huge fight scene the screen decides it doesnt want to show us the movie anymore and goes black. The theatre was packed with older teenagers and adults and it didnt take long before the yelling began. Everyone turned around, looked at the projection booth and shouted. I got really scared for a while that all the angry nerds would start throwing things and start a riot. But since everyone in there was a nerd, no such thing happened. It suddenly got very hot in the theatre and many people wondered around outside near the video games as we waited. This was at 1 oclock. Around 110 or so, it came back on. We rushed to our seats, and they didnt rewind the good 1-2mins that we missed, so alas I'll have to see it again. What a shame...

I want ma 7 bucks back!

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