Tuesday, January 14, 2003

I'd like to address the issue of a certain Mail Man. Now there is this light near me known as Five Corners, this light blows because it takes for-ev to get a green light so I take a side street to avoid any road rage. When I take this street every so often there is this Mail Truck around and the Mail Man goes around on foot with his bag full o letters and he goes door to door; he's pretty oldschool. So whenever I drive past him, he waves. The first time I gave a confused wave back figuring that he mistook me for someone else. I see him again, and yeah, he waves. At this point I'm thinking, What is with this guy? My analysis is that he is "going postal" and he doesnt really care who he waves to, he just waves. There I am thinking I was all special...and then I see him waving to someone else in another car. I knew he couldn't be trusted. We are SO over! I dont need him!


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