Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Baja Road Trip: "Going Rouge"


- Bed & Breakfast delivers: home made jam with fresh made bread? Yes, please. Also I will eat your giant bowl of fresh peeled fruit! Nom!

- Suzi & Phil decide they want to tell my parents about the salt & peppered, older Mexican man named Paco I've been sleeping with at night. He's a total catch, especially since he's missing his front teeth.

- We quickly ran into town to take pictures of the mission church and more importantly buy a date pie. Here's the thing, I know how to ask "how much?" in Spanish, but I'm not good with numbers in English so getting a number in Spanish...forget it. At first I pretended I knew what he said, I hesitated, he said it again, I held out 150 pesos. He resisted the urge to sigh at me before stating, "Eighty-five." Damn, I'm such a gringa!

- Then we were off on the (very bumpy dirt) road again. Suzi and I were riding in the camper while Phil drove down a road we determined was 300 miles long. He claimed it was 25 miles, but he was driving so what does he know.

- Random road stop aka time for a beer. Lindsay, Jean, and I went for a walk towards the shore with a bunch of plastic bags for shell collecting aka free souvenirs. The view was amazing, water crystal blue, and we found a hotel where Lindsay had me take a picture with a pool boy...well pool man...pool older man...with limited English. Either way we enjoyed the view.

- We got into the next check point town: Mulege. My cousin Joe went to check into the hotel only to be told someone else named Joe took their rooms earlier that day. Damn you common American name! Luckily Phil, Suzi, and I were self sufficient in the camper so we WENT ROUGE! We decided to camp out on a beach instead. Jealous?

- It was 5pm, aka happy hour. We discovered a little place on the beach called "Bertha's" and the name was just too good to resist. The Wednesday night special was cheeseburgers. As a recent vegetarian (with the exception of fish) that wasn't going to fly. I asked for a menu and was told that in fact cheeseburgers were the only things they were serving. A special indeed. So I ordered a Kahlua on the rocks. Suzi and Phile ate their cheeseburgers while I downed the complimentary chips and salsa. When they got a complimentary ice cream dessert with their meal from the owner, a white guy disappointingly not named Bertha, he saw my food envy and indulged me but mostly because he thought they were my parents and I was under 21 as he then asked if I wanted a re-fill on my coke.

- Then we check out the "supermarket" and discovered that was a very generous title. Most of the gorcery stores I went to in Baja are akin to a gas station mini mart. This one was rocking some narly looking fruit fly occupied bag of oranges and empanadas. We opted for the pineapple and apple empanadas, you know, for a healthy breakfast...

- While Phil set up a camp fire I went for a stroll to check out the digs and take pictures. As the sun went over the mountains I heard a familiar whistle Phil uses to call the dog, aka my Mexican boyfriend Paco, when he wonders on his pee breaks. I then continued only to hear yet another whistle. "Is that for me?" As I approached him he apologized claiming he wasn't my dad and I wasn't a little girl... I stopped him saying, "Don't worry. My mom thanks you."

- Phil and I star gazed looking for Sputnik while having a fire side chat where I realized that life was slowing me down to enjoy the things in front of me instead of always running after that carrot.

- That night the Phil snoring Suzi warned me about finally showed itself. It wasn't terrible but I did contimplate breaking out the guest earplugs. Then Suzi nudged him awake and quietly told him he was snoring and it was annoying. He defended himself saying, "You know, you're gonna miss me when I'm gone." Without missing a beat Suzi replied, "Where you goin'?"


Cari said...

I didn't realize you were a vegitarian now! the Colleen that loved to go to Big Deans Muscle Inn for the best burgs ever would be sad.

Anonymous said...

OMG, Suzi and Phil are awesome and I thank them for their protective instincts. Maybe we'll meet at the Baja someday.
Oh, and lighten up once in awhile and enjoy your once fav.....chicken!!!

Maja of course