Saturday, April 09, 2011

DAY 6: Whale Watch!

- Turns out the town of Guerrero Negro is known for two major things, giant piles of naturally forming sea salt...

- ...and whales! I was told the whales usually get up close, occasionally stare you down, and perhaps let you touch them if they are feeling frisky. Unfortunately the weather was a bit windy and the water choppy. The people in the boat were getting antsy, "where are they?" Suddenly you are surrounded by blowholes, and dark shadows in the water. They were still playing hard to get but the few times they did come close I was reminded how much bigger they are than me, in this tiny boat. "Ok, that's close enough."

- On the way back there were some seals that were probably once in the Drama Club as they wanted us all to look at them. After the amusement wore off we began to wonder, "How did they get up there?"

- We caught back up with our posse afterward and got the impression that staying another day in Mulege was just ok. So we didn't rub it in their faces that we got cookies and ate ice cream for lunch.

- Turns out spending hours in the car makes my often sassy personality come out (shocking, I know). I stopped filtering myself which prompted a reluctantly giggling Phil to tell me to not get "fresh." It then became my goal to have him say that as much as possible. And I was successful, especially after asking if he'd rather fart constantly or never shower. We all agreed on farting.

- Every time we stop at a restaurant for a meal I tell myself I won't eat the chips and salsa but giant margaritas destroy my will power.

- We ordered dinner which then took an hour and then some to come out. Usually I'd be grumpy but I was buzzed and full of chips so I didn't mind. Instead I spent time watching the biggest dog I've ever seen, aka a black great dame named "Scooby Doo" despite the owners speaking limited English. I guess they get the Cartoon Network in Mexico. In this picture he's laying down and it's dark...but it's very possible I was just drunk and imagining it...

- Phil came out of the camper bathroom dressed for bed in these cutoff jeans that reminded me of a character on Arrested Development who claimed he was a "never nude" and had to wear cutoff jeans at all times in order to, you guessed it, never be nude. Suzi knew what I was talking about, Phil defaulted to claiming that despite the jeans he was a catch and a good provider.

- My hips were killing me which made no sense at all. I went from playing soccer or frisbee four times a week to maybe walking around town at a leisurely pace after sitting in a car for two hours. My best guess was my senior citizen friends were stealing my life energy so they could keep partying. That's the REAL reason I was invited...

- Once again I found myself exhausted before 9pm. As I went back into the camper I decided to take a picture of the door with a note on it that was applicable at pretty much all times.

It reads, "C (for Colleen), in bar, P (for Phil).

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