Tuesday, January 22, 2002

Today in lunch I was talking to Tony and Elias while the others got their calorie filled Wendy's..I usually dont go to lunch with them but today was like Cut Day so it happens. We got into this convo about the Lost Boys in Never Never Land, you know with Peter Pan and Hook. So here is what I was thinking, you know how they imagined their food and it would appear? Well what if it was all in their head that they were eating all this food, when in reality they are starving to death....? Hmm...It would make for a bad movie then when The Lost Boys fight Hook. It would be like watching old people eat applesauce. Dont get my wrong, I like applesauce, just not when its being mashed by some 70 year old toothless gums. Thats a nice image for ya.

Inside Joke with Liz: I WANDer...cmon I said it like 3 times.
It was the funniest thing of the day. Go Liz. And if you see her online first tell her I love her, then try to figure out what her profile is cuz i have no clue. I bet the Japanese couldnt even figure it out.

See you later homes

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