Friday, April 19, 2002

Oh snap guess who won Phrase O the Week? Uh, yeah ME! That's right, I say funny things...

So Liz wanted to know how many eyes ants have. I sadly had to break the news to her that they indeed had none. Now she didnt just ask this for no reason, ya see she has to make a children's book..equipped with drawings. So I told her she could still draw eyes on these ants and totally mess with the childs education by showing them a picture of a lie. She then said, "thats what i'm thinking itd be stupid if it didnt have no eyes." To which I replied:

Yeah...just like blind people

Thats right, blind people are stupid. I don't care. They won't read what I have to say. And you know why? Because they can't see. HA HA!!

*I then lost my vision for the next hour*

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