Friday, October 25, 2002

Phrase O the Week...again goes to another teacher. Joey the acting teacher. Yet again he amuses us when he talks. Today we were doing this exercise where we had to go to different "stations" around the room and perform a certain task. For example, stand on a box and say our fave movie to the stage light ahead of us, or when we had to howl like a wolf. You know, the usual...So after we said our fave movie he decided to mix it up and tells us we can say whatever we want on the box next time round. He said it was our freestyle. Naturally we asked if he wanted us to be rapping. He laughed and said:

Is that what the kids mean by it.

It was even funnier because early in the class we harassed him for not knowing what a online profile was. So it was a joke that he was SO OLD that he was out of the loop, meanwhile he's like 27.

Note: Anyone who doesn't know what an online profile is AND is over the age of 30, don't worry it's ok, don't feel insecure.

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