Wednesday, January 29, 2003

I just read about blogger for my Mass Media class. Oh man I am so cool cuz I know what they were talking about. It twas so unnecessary for me to read cuz like...I know everything about the world.

In other news: Today I was at some auditions for Trailer Park because they want to get some more people. I am already a Field Producer for those who dont know, and think I was there for talent. No sir. I sat in the control room, put on some headphones, and talked about whatever to the people working the camera. You see these people couldnt see me cuz I was in the...i with lots of buttons and technical stuff. So I had no problem saying random things and BSing with whoever answered when I said hello? or breathed like Darth Vader, or rapped with the director about how the telepromter wasnt working and they should use the script, or when I quoted several lines from Missy Elliot's Work It. Man I love that song.

Oh and more RA stuff. I was outside talking to Kim and Dana my common mischief lets-say-things-that-sound-racist-while-the-RA-is-near-by bunch. So I walk out of my room and one of them tells me I should be a part of the KKK...for no reason. I dunno. So I say, ok I guess I'll start hating blacks. Lo and Behold, they begin to laugh and look past me...I turn around...yeah the RAs door was closing. EXCELLENT! I dont really think she heard, but now I'm the top dog for worst thing said.

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