Wednesday, January 29, 2003

In honor of true Colleen spirit I give you, a poop story:

Lactaid Lady: so i walk into the bathroom that has 2 stalls
Lactaid Lady: now I had to take a crap
Cookies4Grandma: ha okay
Lactaid Lady: and BAM there is the RA tweezing her eyebrows
Cookies4Grandma: haha ofcourse
Lactaid Lady: so i linger, and she notices me so i continue
Cookies4Grandma: continue to linger? or to poo?
Lactaid Lady: and i was like...well i hope i have to pee too
Cookies4Grandma: haha okay
Cookies4Grandma: I see now
Lactaid Lady: i found myself in the stall
Cookies4Grandma: alright
Lactaid Lady: so i wait a minute and i was like...ok if i dont pee this will be weird...cuz i'll like sit in silence and then flush..
Lactaid Lady: and pretend i peed
Lactaid Lady: but she'll prob know
Lactaid Lady: but alas...I peed and avoided such a situation
Lactaid Lady: but it was scary for a sec....and i still have to poop
Lactaid Lady: lol
Cookies4Grandma: lol okay
Cookies4Grandma: ohh you didn't poop yet!
Cookies4Grandma: that just happened!
Lactaid Lady: lol yeah
Cookies4Grandma: oh MAN
Cookies4Grandma: that's great
Lactaid Lady: oh yeah
Lactaid Lady: i'll know why
Cookies4Grandma: I mean it stinks (literally) but it's great nontheless
Cookies4Grandma: ha okay
Cookies4Grandma: bombs away!
Lactaid Lady: lol back
Cookies4Grandma: what happened this time
Cookies4Grandma: you cnanot be that quick of a pooper
Lactaid Lady: smooth landing
Cookies4Grandma: no way!
Lactaid Lady: ooh i am
Cookies4Grandma: I'm freaking impressed
Lactaid Lady: thanks
Cookies4Grandma: wow I reallyam though
Lactaid Lady: LoL
Cookies4Grandma: that was really I mean really quick@
Lactaid Lady: well i mean I had to go
Cookies4Grandma: still
Lactaid Lady: eh...well I do pee fast too
Cookies4Grandma: it doesn't take a little time? I mean it's just hey there it is
Lactaid Lady: i guess
Cookies4Grandma: I pee fast too, but I think I take a little longer than a milisecond to poop
Lactaid Lady: what can i say
Lactaid Lady: its a gift
Cookies4Grandma: you are super pooper
Cookies4Grandma: haha!
Lactaid Lady: oh man!
Lactaid Lady: I totally am!
Cookies4Grandma: I'm on to you SP
Lactaid Lady: what are you gonna do journalist woman
Cookies4Grandma: you have the whole superman get-up, but the only 2 differences are the S on the suit now says SP and there is a butt flap
Cookies4Grandma: cause you can't be waisting time taking off the tights
Cookies4Grandma: nothing, I am content with the victory of figuring you ouy.
Cookies4Grandma: *out
Cookies4Grandma: and with that thought fresh in your head
Cookies4Grandma: I must depart

DE End

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