Saturday, February 01, 2003

I've begun to wear my blue doctor scrubs around as PJs. This morning I didnt have much time to get ready for breakfast, and to be honest I wouldnt have changed anyway, so I wore my scurbs. While at the table Ben was saying how I could be forced to operate on someone because of the scrubs. I said, "Screw you!" and kicked him in the head. No no, thats a lie.

Anyhoot, we then discussed my practice. You see, I would give free exams on the side of the highway and I would be drunk because as Ben pointed out, I'm irish so that means I have beer flowing through my veins. (Don't worry, everyone hates Ben so we are used to his ignorance and jackass personality.) Then after awhile I would move into the bathrooms of Mobile stations and the owner would get mad because I would never give him back his key that had a wooden block on the keychain. Dr.Col, it's free because well....I'm a drunked Irish girl who is only 19 and has never gone to med school. Come by sometime. And if you dont want brain surgery, then I'll just pump gas into your car.

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