Thursday, September 27, 2001

The following is another lil something from Creative Writing. You're all caught up now once you read this. So get to it..

Yesterday while talking to the ever so cool Notorious L-I-Z, I had a revelation. The fact just hit me. Grandmas are internet masters. But it doesnt stop there, they are sages in the computer field. Always know how to operate it (turning on and off), easily check their email, IM their friends, and always know how to fix any problem. Liz told me they taught her everything she knows. The statement was evident to me when both of us suffered internet failure yesterday around 4:00. While I tried to restart the computer and check to see if the connection was there, good ol' Liz just constantly tried to sign on hitting "Connect" about 10 times. Guess who got online 1st.....Liz. She was taught by a master greater than mine, on the mount Grand Ma Ma. Stupid me went to Nepal, they taught me JACK. All we did was meditate and talk about Buddha.

Parent saying of the week: (chuckling) Of course I dont give you money. You're not even my kid. You're adopted..

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