Friday, December 13, 2002

I think I will make this the Best Line used by a teacher in a handout...It's a detailed award, but oh well this needs to be in a category all it's own. Ready? Otay!

You see, I had to write this 10 page paper for my Courtrooms and Communications class and he gave out this handout of what an analytical paper was. The paper was about an actual court case we observed and the teacher, Mr. Sullivan, gave an example of what not to write. One point was to not describe what you saw.

The example:

The defending attorney asked the witness, "So Ms.Rose, are you a compulsive liar, or just plain stupid?
The witness replied, "Boo Hoo, I hate you."

Let me tell you that as I was typing the lawyer's question I already began to laugh at the answer. I get a visual of these things and it makes stuff 10 times funnier. Oh that Sullivan, he's such a pissa.

And for that he deserves the Phrase O the Week.

Can you believe this guy? Comes from no where and wins to awards in one day, and the one award was made FOR him. Geez, what is with Colleen. I think she has a crush or something...


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