Wednesday, December 11, 2002

Today I was walking in the snow and and I noticed the sneaker prints. Some of them had skids from when people would run and slide on the snow. Bur there were like these mini skids on the end. And I was thinking, what the heck? That is such a waste of a skid, because it was obviously not long enough to slide and enjoy the ride. Then this kid in front of me was dragging his feet as he walked and I noticed he was making those same makes. It was then I realize, those mini skids were just proof of people who dont know how to pick up their feet. I hate those people. They piss me off like you would not believe. I kinda wanted to push him. But I didnt.

Today I also saw the closing arguments about a rape case. Yeah that was pretty crazy. Now I have to write a 10 page paper on Friday. YES! I got 2 pages done. So I feel semi-productive. I need to get a robot to do it for me. A crazy 10 page expert writing robot with rose colored cheeks, blue eyes, and a love for ceiling fans.

It's time to guess which present I actually want!

1) Bland CDs
2) Weapons of mass destruction
3) the plague
4) basket full of apples with smily faces on them

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