Tuesday, December 10, 2002

the light outside my dorm door is blinking like a mo-fo. I like it though, its a really slow strobe light. It also has this artistic touch. I find it very interesting. The word I'm searching for here is "character."

Sorry that the last comment wasn't really ment to be funny, but if you found humor in it...good for you!

Uh yeah I feel obligated to write something hilarious and I can sense my impending failure of that so I'll probably just ramble. Ok there is opera coming from the hallway...who does that? Who plays opera? I didn't know there was an old lady living next door.

Today after taping a show me and some fellow co workers remembered the good ol' days of Mortal Combat. The blocky digital blood, the repeated leg swipes, the Finish HIm! voice. Those were the days...none of that crazy 3-D things. I think I know how my dad feels, I mean he has pong to compare things to and while I am a fan of pong, I mean cmon. It's kinda, well, dated and and even old school mario can kick pongs ass.

the end.

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